Friday, 30 December 2011

December Daily, Day 30..

Well, it's the penultimate day of the December Daily..while it has been challenging I have enjoyed it, especially finding the good things in life to blog about.  It's quite rewarding as you realise that life's not so bad after all!  I bet you are thinking that my blogs are unpredictable, you would be right! Today's entry is a scarf that I am making for my son, he has made his voice loud and clear that he thinks it unfair that my girls had a handmade, soft and snuggly scarf and he didn't.  So, I am secretly making this for his Birthday in January.  As you can see it's a very simply knitted scarf, chunky and I am using a gorgeous Rowan wool called drift.  Its a beautiful blend of greys, browns with a hint of green in the finest Merino wool.  Merino wool is the finest and softest wool of any sheep, quite expensive to buy but it also has an excellent warmth to the weight of the wool, it traps the heat in without the wearer getting overheated.  So, this should be finished in the next day or two just in time for his Birthday and before the cold snap. x

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